At Green Apple we are passionate about the level of quality Education and Care that we provide and believe that all children learn through play (indoors and outdoors), example, interaction and teaching.
At Green Apple Nursery we recognise the importance of each child’s health and well-being and aim to promote and achieve this through our daily practices. Children will be encouraged to develop respect, learn to share, learn to be kind, fair and develop good manners.
Green Apple Nursery- Our Vision
Green Apple Nursery strives to provide a high quality nursery experience where Love, Care, Nurture, Wellbeing, Relationships, Trust, Respect and the Children are at the heart of everything that we do.
Green Apple Nursery- Aims and Objectives
- To create a fun. safe, secure, caring and stimulating nursery environment where children will thrive and learn.
- To provide stimulating, challenging and meaningful learning experiences, meeting the needs and aspirations of all our children enabling them to face the challenges of the future.
- To develop positive, productive partnerships that are valued and recognised by our children, staff, parents and the wider community.
- To build secure and trusting relationships with children and their families, valuing parents as their child's first and most important educators.
- To provide opportunities for outdoor learning on a daily basis in all weathers, where planned learning experiences will take place.
- To encourage children to be independent and actively involved in their own learning.
- To ensure that our service is in accordance with Health and Social Care Standards, government guidance and legislation.
To offer a homely atmosphere with time to rest and relax. - To continuously strive to improve the nursery nursery to be the best that it can be.
Green Apple Nursery sees your child’s Health and Well-being as a matter of importance therefore will only provide healthy lunches and snacks, whilst encouraging daily exercise.
Green Apple Nursery- Our Values
Equality & Inclusion